Friday, June 5, 2009

Commotion at theTalent Show

The kids were both in the school Talent Show. Sage did an adorable Latin dance with her friends. Devin did a hilarious Rock Band impersonation with his buddies. For a special effect, a fog machine was used for his act. Little did we realize that a fog machine would trigger the school smoke alarm that causes emergency steel partitions to close on stage. Play the video for a great laugh. The sound is a little soft during the actual performance, so you'll need to have your listening ears turned up.

Press the play button to view the videos below.

1 comment:

..Kris Naven.. said...

Wow! So much catching up to do! I LOVE all the new pictures! You guys have been SUPER busy! I LOVED the video of Devin and his friends in the Talent Show! I was cracking up! And that poem he wrote was amazing! It made me tear up too! You have such a beautiful family! I know I tell you that ALL the time but it is so true! On the inside and out! Love you!