Saturday, January 3, 2009

Snow Day

It was a beautiful day near Donner Summit. We went tubing at Soda Springs. The sun was shining and the snow was brilliant white given the fresh snow storm from the previous day. This was Jade's first visit to the snow. Jade did well for the first 2 hours and then she was ready to leave. Since she was bundled up in all of the snow clothes, she was unable to suck her fingers...which is her comfort. It made her quite cranky.

Sage making snow anglesJade all bundled up in snow clothes. She resembled the kid from A Christmas Story movie. She looked like this giant puff ball! It was hilarious...maybe the reason she was cranky. Sage having fun on the snow mobile.

Devin's turn on the snow mobile


..Kris Naven.. said...

How fun! We haven't been to the snow in years! I think it would be really fun, but I'm with Jade, I think I would get cranky after a while too! Lol! Just kidding! That snow mobile looks hecka fun-now I could do that for sure!!! :)

Kelly DaCosta said...

Looks like fun!!