This summer we vacationed in Southern California. We drove to Disneyland and then to Palm Dessert.
First day of vacation at Disneyland...Jade's first time to the World's happiest place on Earth.

Main Street at Disneyland.

Jade loved all of the rides.

So ironic...I ran into my close
childhood friend

from elementary school, Lisa Harp and her lovely family. We hadn't see each other for a couple of years.

Andrew let Jade pick out a gift. She selects a Pooh bear that is bigger than her!
We make it to Palm Dessert. The
Westin Resort was great. The 110 degree heat was not bad since we were in the pool most of the time.

Our cute
Jader Bug!

Jade loved
this little 1 foot kiddie pool.

First outing to the Living Dessert. Then we knew how hot Palm Dessert Really was. It was so hot most of the animals were in
hiding or looked dead like. Jade ended up
getting bit by a red ant during this trip to
the zoo. She screamed for 30 minutes. Even today, she reminds us about the bug that bit her toe.

Sage was in utter joy when she discovered this huge

It's home boy Devin!

Sage having a blast going down the water slides.